CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — Above normal and near record temperatures have been the trend this week. Starting off this month of February with Spring like conditions.
We should be averaging temperatures in the lower 70’s, however, that has not been the case. It’s been feeling more like the spring months of April-May.
A weak La Niña is expected to potentially last through April. During La Niña you have below average sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. These sea surface temperatures affect global weather patterns.
When La Niña is in effect this typically means warmer and drier conditions for us in South Texas and cooler conditions up north. This is because the jet stream will track further north, preventing colder air masses from making its way to us.

This does not mean we could not see winter weather, as we witnessed a few weeks ago. It just means that winter is warmer and drier.
Of course other current influences have kept us pretty warm. As high pressure remains in control off the east, our persistent southeast flow continues which allows for that warm air from the gulf waters to usher in.
We know Phil the groundhog saw his shadow this week signifying "six more weeks of winter." However, Phil doesn't always get it right.
Considering the influence of La Niña and the Climate Prediction Center's forecast winter weather is not likely. For the next three months much of the south will likely experience above normal temperatures.

We will still have cold fronts to come, likely dropping our humidity and dropping our temperatures to seasonal or slightly below average. Next week's cold front will bring us back to seasonal.