KRIS 6 Weather


Mostly cloudy first day of spring

Temperatures, humidity on the rise this week
Sunshine peeking from clouds near Bob Hall Pier - Photo By: FB Coastal Bend Weather Watcher Pat Nilles Clark
and last updated

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Good morning Coastal Bend!

Happy first day of spring! Today there will be few breaks in the clouds to offer sunshine, but temperatures will be a bit warmer this afternoon. A temperature warm-up is on the way this week, with highs returning to the 80s by Wednesday. Onshore winds today will be southeast 15-25 mph. Conditions will become more breezy through the week with winds increasing 20-30 mph through the end of the week.

A weak cold front will arrive Friday to offer a slight cool-down and a brief window for showers. These repeat opportunities for rain are helpful in chipping away our rainfall deficit and drought. This week's Drought Monitor Index will update on Thursday and likely offer some good news. Lake levels are still suffering a bit, hovering near 40% combined capacity; water flowing through the upper watershed may help this standing in the next few days.

Have a wonderful week!