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La Volla Creek residents still worried despite proposed improvements

City leaders travel to area to monitor storm's effects
La Volla Creek residents remain concerned despite proposed improvements
and last updated

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Those who live around the area of La Volla Creek in the Greenwood and Saratoga area are still concerned.

But the big issue in this area is the creek. You can already see that the water levels are elevating.

The city was granted $7.2 million for a retention pond that would help alleviate the flooding. The city says that currently is in the design phase. We spoke to residents in the area who say they are hoping for help soon and what they do in situations like this.

"We get sandbags and put them a long the door," neighbor Rob Hinojosa said. "But me and my neighbor, we just stay inside when it gets like this just in case because we also have our animals and we cannot leave them behind so we just stay."

Other La Volla Creek residents use other plans when the rains come.

"We pick up everything off the ground or we try to at least," said resident Michael Rodriguez, who added he never uses sandbags. "No, it never works. Please help. Enough is enough."

On the streets, the water level has actually significantly decreased since we first arrived so that is a positive.

City officials also were out at La Volla Creek today.

They've been monitoring the water level and to make sure the creek doesn't overflow.

Corpus Christi Fire Chief Robert Rocha, interim Police Chief David Blackmon and City Manager Peter Zanoni all have been on the scene.

"It's to our advantage to check on the water levels in the area," Rocha said. "And the police chief and the city manager taking an assessment to what the water level is."

City officials say water levels at La Volla Creek are not a concern but they will continue to monitor the situation.