CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — As Hurricane Season 2023 ramps up, tropical waves moving off the coast of Africa have been grabbing the attention of forecasters at the National Hurricane Center (NHC). On Monday, the NHC announced on a tropical wave that had become better organized developed into Tropical Depression Three.
Tropical Depression Three is expected to become a hurricane late Wednesday as it moves over the island of the Lesser Antilles and enters the Carribean. on the current forecast track, the storm will near Puerto Rico this weekend. At this point in time, it does not seem that Texas will be impacted by this storm, but it's too early in the forecast to make that determination. TD #3 is just something to keep an eye on for now.

There is another tropical wave "behind" or east of TD #3 that has a moderate chance of becoming a tropical depression or tropical storms. As of 1 p.m. Monday, the NHC is giving that cluster of thunderstorms a 50% chance of development over the next 7 days. Both storms are well out in the Atlantic Ocean.
While this activity is making for a busy June in the tropics, it's not unusual to see a small uptick in activity around this time in the season. Warm ocean waters, generally favorable winds, and a lack of Saharan dust in the immediate vicinity of these thunderstorms are helping the odds on development.