CommunityVeterans In Focus


Veteran's wife repays kindness showed to them

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ROBSTOWN, Texas — Pedro and Raquel Lerma, the couple we recently featured on Veterans In Focus who were having contractor troubles, were overwhelmed with the response to their story and the help they're getting with their bathrooms.

They say they wanted to repay that kindness, because that's who they are.

“That's what we're all about, my husband and I, helping,” said Raquel Lerma.

After receiving help in their time of need, the Lermas wanted to help someone else. A motorized scooter which belonged to Raquel’s father, Manuel Moreno, provided the opportunity.

“It's important to me to keep the faith, pay it forward to someone that really needs it,” said Lerma. “I could have just sold it, but I don't have need for that money.”

With our help, Lerma found the perfect recipient in Ron Saddler. A veteran like her father; a Vietnam veteran like her husband.

“Since my dad was a veteran, what's more (fitting) than to give to a vet?” said Lerma.

“I don't have much lung capacity,” said Saddler. “Agent Orange took it out. I can't walk more than maybe 100 feet at the most.”

Saddler has needed a scooter for longer than a year, ever since Hurricane Hanna washed his away. Thanks to the Lermas, this former captain with the 101st Airbone Div. will find everyday tasks just a little easier.

He said he's beyond grateful.

“You have no idea,” said Saddler. “I can take this and go check my mail without getting in my car, starting it up to go check it.”

When the Lermas first told KRIS Communications about the scooter, they mentioned it needed a new battery. They decided to pay for one themselves, to make sure the scooter worked for whomever received it.