

Contractor in Troubleshooter story of October '24 Indicted in Kleberg County


We have new information on a Troubleshooters story we first reported in October 2024.

In May 2024, Sadie Salinas and her family hired a contractor named Robert Loewe and paid him $5000.00 to add a room to their Kingsville home.

Their family was growing.

Loewe did pour a concrete slab to begin the job but then kept breaking his promises to the Salinas' that he would go back and finish the job.

Now, Salinas has received a letter from the Kleberg County District Attorney's Office stating Loewe has been indicted on a theft of property charge.

Salinas has been asked to fill out a victim impact statement, and a court date will be set.

After our first story on the Salinas' home aired, five different contractors, good Samaritans really, asked what they could do to help complete the project.

Salinas tells us they've gone above and beyond, and the project should be complete soon.

We'll keep following this story and let you know what happens next.