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CCISD speaks of following CDC guidelines throughout district

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Roland Hernandez discussed his district's return to face-to-face instruction in an interview with KRIS 6 News Sunrise Anchor Paulo Salazar.

Hernandez described the district's needs for COVID-19 related supplies for individual school supplies.

"We feel we have a great amount in stock in our district," Hernandez said, mentioning that PPE's have been received from state and federal sources.

Hernandez said with big support from the CCISD School Board, the district was able to receive enough supplies to last "a long while."

"With all the sanitizing, all the PPE equipment," Hernandez said. "We've even gone further than that, ordering desk shields recently across the entire district. Just as another measure to create some social distancing, as we get more and more students returning as part of phase three."

Hernandez said many schools are at different levels with their PPE supplies and it's important to share concerns starting with teachers, assistant principals and principals.

"They should be able to address it," he said.

"If they're not able to, they'll relay that message to us. We get in touch with our district administrators who are in charge of the warehouse where we keep all this stock, and then get it out to the campuses."

Hernandez said he wants to quash the perception that the district doesn't have enough equipment. The district makes sure the equipment is getting to the schools if they're running low on supplies.

The district is ready to help if teachers are not following specific CDC guidelines.

"I would hope that the communication is there from campus administration to them as a teaching staff, and I would want them to know that it certainly is here," Hernandez said. "We're just an email away, if not a phone call. They can share with us what the concern is at their school or in their classroom."

Hernandez said these concerns would be addressed faster at the campus level before the district becomes involved.

"The other thing too, not just for our teachers but our teaching staff, administrators, our parents - we do have features on our website, it's called 'Let's Talk,'" he said.

This section under the CCISD homepage, allows anyone to write comments, concerns or any questions they may have regarding the school district.

"We do provide a response on how it's being handled or how it's being taken care of," said Hernandez.