CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — It looks like a sloppy day.
Humid air has returned with a lot of cloud cover. Periods of light rain will begin this morning and make things wet and nasty all day.
Rainfall totals will run between 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch of rain. Skies will start to clear early on Saturday with sunny skies by the end of the day.
Highs will only drop a few degrees during the next several days. And we shpould see improving weather for Christmas week with plenty of sunshine and warmer temperatures.
Today: Cloudy with periods of rain all day. High 67.
Tonight: Cloudy with rain. Low 52.
Saturday: Rain will be ending early with clearing conditions by mid day. Fair by evening. High 62.
Sunday: Sunny and mild. High 64.
Monday: Sunny and mild. High 67.
Tuesday: Sunny and warmer. High 73.
Wednesday: Sunny and warm. High 76.
Thursday: Sunny and warm. High 74.