SportsHigh School Sports


Off season football conditioning includes 7-on-7 competition


CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — With school winding down for the summer, many of our area high schools are still participating in off season conditioning for all sports.

When it comes to football, some schools are participating in seven on seven leagues including the West Oso Bears.

"Obviously, with us being class 4A, we don't get spring football so this is an opportunity to get in some extra reps," said Bears head coach Brad Smithey. "It gives our guys a chance to get some experience especially some of the younger guys."

7-on-7 practices and games are held after school and on weekends and coached by volunteers.

It is a game made of just passing and catching the football.

"7-on-7 is really getting us ready for next year," said Bears WR Josh Williams. "It's as great way to find out who we will be working with next year and getting comfortable with our quarterback."

7-on-7 games also makes off season conditioning more fun for the players. High school football two a day practices start the first week of August.