SportsHigh School Sports


Despite heat, Sinton has record turnout for strength & conditioning camp


SINTON, Texas — School may be out for the summer, but that is not keep area teams from holding their annual off season strength and conditioning camps.

Sinton ISD has experienced record turnouts with over 130 football players and 100 Lady Pirates showing up for daily workouts.

To help beat the high temps, conditioning starts at 7:30 a.m. for two hours four days a week.

Athletes drink plenty of water the night before and during conditioning drills.

They also make sure they plenty to eat.

No question, the heat makes the workouts intense but much of the hard work is also mental.

"It's a grind, only three or four weeks into this we may see people drop out," said Pirates nose tackle Cooper Dockens. "But I think our kids are dedicated to doing this and they are here because they want to be."

The camp will run for six weeks leading up to the start of two-a-days practices the first week of August.