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Veterans Memorial ends season in state semifinals falling to No. 10 College Station 33-7

Veterans Memorial falls to College Station 33-7

SAN ANTONIO, TX — The Veterans Memorial Eagles advanced to the UIL 5A-DI state semifinals for the second time in three years, but again falling short of a chance at the title. The Eagles lost to No. 10 College Station 33-7 at the Alamodome.

In a defensive first half, College Station scored first behind running back Aydan Martinez-Brown. After a few drives, Veterans Memorial stole the 7-6 lead in the second quarter with a touchdown pass from Elijah Durrette to Alejandro Guerrero. However, the Cougars entered halftime with a 13-7 lead following a pick six by Tony Hamilton.

“I mean can’t say enough about our seniors, about our team, about our coaching staff. These seniors have played 58 games since they’ve been in high school. They’ve gone four rounds every year. Five in two years, so I’m so proud of them," Ben Bitner, Veterans Memorial football head coach said. "They’ve set the standard and the expectation here that we have to live up to, and I’m so proud of them.”

The Eagles will graduate four of their five starting defensive linemen including the Frayre twins, Josiah Lewis and Nicolaus Guerrero.

“I’m so proud of all of my brothers," Joshua Frayre, Veterans Memorial senior defensive end, said. "We’ve been working since freshman year and it didn’t come our way, so I love all of my boys.”

Veterans Memorial ends their season (12-3) after another trip to the fifth round of playoffs.