SportsKRIS 6 Hooks Kid Reporter


KRIS 6 Hooks Kid Reporter Braxton interviews Brice Matthews

Kid reporter Braxton interviews Hooks' Brice Matthews
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Our final KRIS 6 Hooks Kid Reporter of the 2024 season is Braxton. He sat down with Corpus Christi Hooks shortstop, Brice Matthews. He was drafted by the Houston organization in the first round of the 2023 MLB Draft. Braxton is one of 12 kids selected this summer to interview and get to know a Hooks player at Whataburger field.

Braxton: What would you do if you’re not playing baseball?

Brice Matthews: Couple of years ago, I was a pretty good quarterback in high school, so. I'd probably be playing football right now, see if I could go to the NFL. If not, I'd be a finance guy, working in business because that’s what my major was in college, finance.

Braxton: Who was your favorite player as a kid?

Matthews: My favorite player as a kid was Chipper Jones. Chipper Jones and Mookie Betts.

Braxton: Do you like to play video games?

Matthews: I love video games. Every night after the game it’s kind of my safe space to get away from the game and just—We have fun, we play a lot of Call of Duty, a lot of Madden and the new NCAA football game.

Braxton: Do you play any MLB: The Show?

Matthews: Sometimes yeah, when I get really bored of the other three. Any game, except MLB, whoever wants the smoke, they can come get beat in any of those three games.

Braxton: Were you nervous for your first Corpus Christi Hooks game?

Matthews: I’d say I was more nervous doing the interview than playing in the baseball game. Talking in front of all the people. So, that was more nerve-wracking than anything.

Braxton: If you could have one super power what would it be?

Matthews: I'd say teleport because I don't like traffic, I get a little impatient. So, teleporting places make it really easy.

Braxton: What is your favorite jersey you have worn with the Corpus Christi Hooks?

Matthews: I'd say it’s definitely the Star Wars one or the Whataburger one. Because I love Star Wars and I love Whataburger. So, it’s kind of a toss up between the two.

Braxton: What was your favorite team as a kid?

Matthews: My favorite team growing up was the Boston Red Sox because of David Ortiz and Mookie Betts. And, the other team was the Atlanta Braves. Because that was my first baseball game I ever went to, was watching Chipper Jones.

Check back with KRIS 6 Sports as information will be posted how to sign up kid reporters for the 2025 season.

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