CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — KRIS 6 alongside the Corpus Christi Hooks are joining forces by launching our Baseball and Softball Youth Equipment Drive. We started with a donation to Moody High School.
"We know the sport itself can certainly be something that the whole family has to take on," Brady Ballard, Hooks general manager, said. "If we can do little things like that by taking stuff that people may not be using any longer and pass it on to the next it's a great chance to keep both baseball and softball growing strong in the Coastal Bend."
Ballard and KRIS 6 Sports Director Larissa Liska gave the Trojans baseball team two sets of catcher's equipment, which can be worth around $700-800.
"My favorite part is probably the shin guards because they fit perfectly and tight, so it will be easier to run with them," sophomore Abram Barron said. "The chest is like right on me, so I feel like I can smother the ball easily. The face mask I like the two piece."
The team also donated used Hooks' size 15 cleats to Moody freshman pitcher Ernesto Gonzalez. He told KRIS 6 that when trying to purchase cleats he has only found his size 15 online.
"It was very hard because I'd go to every store and they wouldn't have it. Only all the way up to 14," Gonzalez said. "I'm very grateful to have these. They feel like perfect. No space to like tie them and everything."
Donate gently used baseball and softball equipment to the Whataburger Field front office in exchange for a Hooks ticket, and a chance to win 4 tickets to an Astros game. Thank you for supporting our sports community.