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Coyotes call J.R. Castellano to lead Alice athletics

Coyotes call J.R. Castellano to lead Alice athletics
Posted 5:28 AM, Mar 07, 2023
and last updated 11:16 PM, Mar 07, 2023

ALICE, Texas — The Alice Coyotes have found their new head football coach and executive director of athletics, and he's from the Coastal Bend.

Alice ISD's school board officially hired J.R. Castellano on Monday. The Refugio native left Taft after four seasons, finishing with a Greyhounds record of 30-17 and a class 3A-DII regional semifinal appearance, Taft's first third round game since 1982.

Castellano plans on building an up tempo offense with multiple formations, but first he's ready to meet the student-athletes.

"You know, I'm from little, bitty, old Refugio. Just being a South Texas kid and growing up in this area and just seeing all of the great traditions, the great athletes that have come out of Alice and just the whole Alice experience," J.R. Castellano said. "Wanting to be apart of that right, so now we get an opportunity to do that and we are super, super excited. Go Coyotes!"

Castellano's team motto is Together We Will, and he'll continue to build upon the strong culture in Alice.