
CCISD planning for virtual summer school

and last updated

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Distance learning has been the name of the game for school districts across the country.

The Corpus Christi Independent School District has provided meals curbside, addressed graduation changes, and still helped all 36,000 of their students stay on top of their classes.

During a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, April 27, KRIS 6 spoke to CCISD Superintendent Dr. Roland Hernandez.

He touched on a variety of topics including students falling behind on school work, summer school and what will next school year looks like.

Today, CCISD Communications Director Leanne Libby provided some updates on his original responses.

Libby said that as of right now, summer school will be virtual.

When asked about the next school year, she said it's too early to tell and they are focused on finishing the current school year first.

She says throughout the district there are still some students that have not been accounted for.

However, CCISD staff have been working hard to get in touch with every student and their families.

Out of the 8,000 middle-school students, only 15 have not been in contact with the district. Libby says this could be from various situations including if a student moved and didn't inform the district.

"But we continue calling, texting, social media, asking of friends of friends, and we'll continue to reach out to all of our students, to reach as many of them as possible," she said.

Distance learning has been the way every student has carried on with their schoolwork. Although it may not be ideal way to learn, Libby says the district will do what they can to make sure every student stays on course.

"We work with every student and if a student needs some extra support plan in place, we will work with those families to do so," she said.

Accessible WiFi has been an issue for a few students, CCISD is working on a few solutions.

"Obtaining additional devices, obtaining hot spots, both for getting to our students, as well creating those large environments, like a parking lot or on a bus where we could have a larger WiFi area that people could safely access," Libby said.

There are also four parking lots on Del Mar campuses that offer WiFi, available for students and parents to use.

For extra support with distance learning, CCISD offered this link with information.