CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Buc Days carnival is packed with food, games, and rides. Operating each of these are employees, the majority of who are on a work visa.
“Well, those guys you see in blue are the backbone to our company,” said carnival manager Todd Robertson.
150 employees, to be exact, are operating the carnival, including women who are American or foreigners.
“They’re a part of the H2B program. What that does it allows them to come from their country to our country and work for a specific amount of time and then go back home,” said Robertson.
Those who are part of the program use a work visa, like Froylan Hernandez. He’s worked with the carnival for the last 10 years.
“Normally, we’re here 10 months working and traveling with the carnival until the season is over, that’s usually in October,” said Hernandez.
Hernandez works alongside his wife. Serving popcorn and cotton candy. They both tell me they’re doing this for their kids back in Puebla, Mexico.
“It’s mainly about providing for my family. That was my motive when I applied,” said Hernandez.
Going from city to city. Hernandez said it’s all worth it, and he speaks for his colleagues who are in a similar situation. Coming from Veracruz, Honduras, Puebla and seeking new opportunities.
“I plan to keep doing this of my family, and the rest of the carnival workers are here for the same exact reason,” said Hernandez.
The Buc Days carnival will be here until Sunday, May. 14th. Since it is a traveling carnival, the employees will tear it down and head to Aransas Pass next.