

Texas bill wants to remove sales tax on menstrual products

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A bill has been filed in the Texas Senate to eliminate the sales tax on tampons, sanitary pads, and other feminine hygiene products.

Filed by Representative Donna Howard, House Bill 311 is the result of a movement in the United States. According to NPR, 13 States have eliminated the tax already.

Currently, Texas and some other states who haven’t made the change consider the items to be luxury items instead of necessities. According to KXAN, Howard considers the issue to be of great importance to her constituents.

“It’s a bipartisan effort,” Howard said, “I think we all recognize that period equity is extremely important to our constituents. We’re talking about something that impacts girls and women from as young as around 11 maybe up to 50 — every single month — a recurring expense that I think is considered a medical necessity. This is not a luxury item.”

The House Ways and Means Committee discussed the bill Wednesday morning, and it will go to the Texas Senate if it makes it out of committee.