

Remember the Alamo: Anniversary of final day of battle


Today marks the anniversary of the final Battle of the Alamo.

In 1836, the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, fell as Mexican forces led by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna stormed the fortress after a 13-day siege, between February 23, 1836 – March 6, 1836.

The battle claimed the lives of all the Texan defenders, nearly 200 strong, including William Travis, James Bowie and Davy Crockett.

The 13 days gave General Sam Houston time to build and develop his Texan Army at San Jacinto who were motivated by the courage shown, against all odds, by their fellow Texans.

The battle cry of “Remember the Alamo” spurred the small number of Texan soldiers to fight the large Mexican Army.

The Texans defeated Santa Anna’s Army and Texas won it’s independence from Mexico, becoming the Republic of Texas on April 21, 1836.