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Nueces County District Attorney

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Candidate Terry Shamsie has not yet responded to our questionnaire.



What is/was your profession? Are you now retired?

I am a criminal lawyer with 35 years of experience: four years as a felony prosecutor from 1990 to 1994 and 31 years as a criminal defense attorney. I also spent two years with Thornton Summers doing insurance defense work. I am currently the District Attorney for the 105th Judicial District of Texas by way of Governor Gregg Abbott's appointment. I was sworn in by County Judge Connie Scott on October 6th, 2024. I am not retired, and I hope not to be for as long as I can continue to serve the citizens of Nueces County.

What relevant experience can you bring to the office?

I have handled everything from class C tickets to death penalty cases. I have supported myself and my family and educated a daughter who now has a PhD in film from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. I am very proud of my career. The best compliment I ever received was from my father—also an attorney who told me that if he had his career to do over again he would do it just the way I did mine.

How have your life experiences prepared you for this position?

My life experiences have made me who I am. My non-verbal autistic son has taught me patience, tolerance, determination, and raw joy. My fierce, fearless daughter has taught me to embrace life and to charge straight ahead. There is a great big world out there just waiting to be seen and experienced. I was not a fan of travel—now I love it. Sports taught me fair play and teamwork. Growing up on a ranch taught me hard work and that the animals have to be cared for and fed before you are. I have a BA in Literature and Philosophy from Trinity University in San Antonio. Both disciplines challenged my mind and broadened my horizons. Books have taken me everywhere and entertained and challenged me from the time my folks read to me as a child, and they continue to do so today. My ten-year marriage to Dr. Pam Smith has repaired my faith and given me more happiness than I thought possible. She is my rock, my best friend, and smoking hot to boot. I am truly blessed!

Which problems would you address on your first day in office?

My first day I appointed Michael Gordon as my first assistant. Mike has been with the office for seventeen years and is a brilliant lawyer. My first full day in office I met with Chief Markel at the Corpus Christi Police department and his command staff in an effort to rebuild the connection between our offices. The next day, we met with Sheriff Hooper and his staff for the same reasons. The goal was to get my arms around the issues in the office and reestablish dialogue with our law enforcement partners. We have instituted an open-door policy with law enforcement agencies.

What do you see as long-term issues that need to be addressed throughout your time in office?

Lawyer pay and retention. We lag way behind even surrounding counties in prosecutor pay. That seriously needs to change. Freedom isn’t free, and neither is public safety. We need to keep the homegrown lawyers we train in Corpus Christi instead of losing them to less beautiful cities that offer more money.

What is local government doing well right now that needs to be expanded further?

Communication between my office, the Sheriff's office, the police department, and other law enforcement agencies, as well as Judge Scott's office, have, I am told, greatly improved. Mike and I are up on the floors checking on our prosecutors, solving problems, helping, and making ourselves available to courthouse staff, as well as our own people. We have met with our federal partners and have reopened lines of communication. Our days are fast-paced but fun. We are building a team that the county can be proud of. It is challenging, rewarding work. We meet with victims, meet with law enforcement, field questions, and promote solutions by applying common sense and elbow grease. I get home tired, hungry, and mostly satisfied. But we have lots more problems to solve for every tomorrow.