UPDATE 11:34 A.M.
As of 11:34 a.m. on Monday, July 25, there are only 192 customers without power in the city's south side of town.
AEP Texas has been working all morning to restore power in the vicinity.
CheckAEP's websitefor more information on all other power outages in the Coastal Bend area.
Hundreds of people are out of power in the south side area of Corpus Christi, including a power outage at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
TAMU-CC officials say power is currently out on the Island Campus and the surrounding area. Power is expected to be restored within the hour, but officials from TAMU-CC said if it is not restored within the hour, further communication will be sent to students.
As of 10:39 a.m. on Monday, approximately 4,607 customers are without power in the city of Corpus Christi as temperatures begin to rise.
For more information on power outages in your area, visit the AEP power outage map.