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Nueces County reports three new COVID-19 related deaths

Posted 9:26 PM, Oct 07, 2021
and last updated 9:45 PM, Oct 07, 2021

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Doctors with the Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District says they received notification of three COVID-19 related deaths.

The patients included two men and one woman with their ages ranging in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

Doctors also report their comorbidities included asthma, hypertension, heart disease, and obesity

Further information is not being released for privacy and confidentiality reasons.

The death count for Nueces County is now at 1,216.

The Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District reported they have 88 new cases Thursday.

137 people are currently hospitalized battling the coronavirus and 58 of those people are in the Intensive Care Unit.

So far, 63,145 people have recovered from the virus in Nueces County.