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North Beach locals are expecting a project that will reduce flooding by 2025

Posted 10:37 PM, Apr 14, 2023
and last updated 11:31 PM, Apr 14, 2023

A plan to reduce flooding in the North Beach area is in the works. On Tuesday, city council will be presented a preliminary design aimed at improving drainage along North Beach.

The design is called the Linear Park project. The city of Corpus Christi's Director of Engineering Jeff Edmond said the project will reduce flooding and increase tourism.

"We've got council on board with a solution that will strike a balance with something that's economical that can improve the drainage, but also something that will be an amenity," Edmond said.

They have worked on a visioned design for the project. Within five months, the city will have more clarity on the engineering part of the plan. Following that, they expect to get a more detailed design and construction bids documents.

Edmond said he hopes the end result will make a notable difference.

"Drainage has long been in issue at North Beach due to lack of elevation," Edmond said. "It's difficult to drive through and drive around that kind of thing. That's the type of flooding this will help address, not hurricane or storm flooding."

They want to add a canal so community members and visitors can ride their kayaks and enjoy the scenic area. They also plan on adding walking trails.

As of right now there is no set cost on construction. That will be determined once the design is complete. Edmond said they expect the project to be completed by October 2025.