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Menger Elementary School club lets kids know "You're not alone"

Student inspired to create club from YouTube
"You're Not Alone" club at Menger Elementary School
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Students at a local elementary school have created a new club and are encouraging others to join to let them know they’re not alone.

The club is called "You're Not Alone." Kallie Castillo who is in fifth grade, said she was getting bullied at her old school and felt left out. Castillo now attends Menger Elementary School and said she decided to create this club as a fresh start to the new year.

“I decided maybe a lot of kids at my new school feel the same way as me," Castillo said. "Because a lot of mean and older kids don’t get along."

The club is her result to try and combat those attitudes.

“A lot of kids have been potentially suicidal because other kids have been bullying them," she said. "And I really just want a happy school without any kids dying."

Castillo said the idea came from watching YouTube videos from Dhar Mann, who creates skits about real-life situations. She pitched the club idea to the school counselor Melanie Hinds who asked the principal. The school's administration eagerly endorsed her idea.

“So our second-graders are getting to meet fifth-graders that they can look up to and start building those relationships,” said Melanie Hinds, Menger school counselor.

There are about 20 kids in the club from second through fifth grade and they can attend in person or virtually. The students go over the club's social contract, play games and share the highlights of their day. Hinds said she enjoys seeing Castillo and her friends organize the club to provide a fun and safe place for others to learn.

“For a student that has been through a tough time herself to then want to turn that into something positive, it shows a true resilience,” said Hinds.

“I hope this club really gets more awareness like this and other kids across the world would love to tell their school counselor they want to start a club,” said Castillo.

Students must sign a permission slip if they would like to join the club after school.

For more information about the YouTube channel Dhar Mann visit here.

And for more information about the club at the school visit here.