CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Keeping up with today's technology, the College Board has announced changes to SAT testing. Some changes will include the test time being reduced to two hours from three, along with calculators during the math portion and results being made available in days instead of weeks.
The test will also be fully digital, but still proctored.
According to Dr. Andy Benoit, vice president of Enrollment Management with TAMU-CC, the change is good.
"They'll actually go digital, and the pilot group will be the international students and that will start in 2023 and domestically in 2024," he said.
Vanessa Perez-Peterson, coordinator for Advanced Academics with Corpus Christi Independent School District, said the fast results will help students better prepare to either do better during their next try or for college courses.
"Communication coming to students faster is going to be awesome for them, be more prepared and better supported as they make those life choices," said Perez-Peterson.
According to Dr. Benoit, while testing scores are no longer a requirement due to COVID-19, the scores still help applicants.
CCISD holds mastery college prep books for students and parents, for more information, you can visit the school districts webpage.