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Local mother trying to educate the community on overdose awareness and fentanyl poisoning

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CORPUS CHRISTI — Creating change in the memory of her son, Fay Martin says her son Ryan Malcolm suffered a back injury in 2016. He was prescribed prescription opioids, and that led to an addiction.

"He probably took something to go to sleep and just never woke up," Martin said.

In 2018, Martin went looking for assistance after her son asked for help. She discovered the organization known as 'Not One More,' and she joined the organization, but in 2021, she got the worst call any parent can get.

"I got the call no parent ever wants to get here in Texas, that my son in California had been found dead from what we believed to be an overdose. Turned out to be fentanyl," Martin said.

Ryan Malcolm was 29. Now, Fay has created a chapter of 'Not One More' here in Texas. She has made it her goal to spread awareness of fentanyl and how deadly it can be.

It's 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine.

According to the San Antonio Express-News, more than a million people have been killed since 1999 in the U.S. by overdoses driven by opioids — mainly fentanyl.

Martin says her organization 'Not One More' wants to help educate parents and others about what to look out for and the use of Narcan, which is now available over the counter.

Narcan helps rapidly reverse an overdose; furthermore, she says everybody should have some in their home.

Because of overdose awareness, Tisha Gavlik, with Nauti T's Creations on the Island, made a special jam for overdose awareness. The jams have a picture of Ryan, Fay's son, on them.

"We wanted to create something to bring awareness to different people that are out there. A lot of people don't really talk about it and don't know there's other people out there going through the same thing," Gavlik said.

All of the proceeds from the jams will go to Fay's organization to help spread the word on how dangerous opioids can be.

Fay hopes that Ryan's story and the stories of many other parents who have lost their sons or daughters can help make a difference and help save a life.


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