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Little Rock Nine member shares experiences at TAMU-CC during Black History Month


CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Little Rock Nine Member, Dr. Terrence Roberts, shared his experiences as part of Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi's Distinguished Speaker Series during Black History Month.

Dr. Roberts played a role in the desegregation of American public schools as one of the first black students to attend classes at Little Rock Central High School in 1957 – a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Moment.

“From 1957 to 2022, I cannot vouch for the fact that there's been real progress. Now we've made some surface moves, cosmetic stuff, we're good at that, but fundamental changes? No, no we have not,” said Dr. Roberts.

He shared his experiences during a student mentoring luncheon; an opportunity for a younger generation to learn from a key figure in the fight for equality.

“Just hearing the story, hearing his journey, as well as being able to see what I as a student. someone with civic engagement here, can do for the community in the Coastal Bend and in Texas,” said TAMU – CC student William Whitworth

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Dr. Roberts hopes his story will inspire the youth to continue the fight for justice.

“Today we have all kinds of protest groups and people especially in the wake of the death of George Floyd,” said Dr. Roberts, adding “you can imagine how many people say they're on the bandwagon for change, but saying it and doing it altogether differ.”