CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A retired senior judge out of Bexar County has been assigned to hear the petition to remove Nueces County District Attorney Mark Gonzalez.
Judge David Peeples was a district court judge, and also served on the court of appeals.
Since retiring, Judge Peeples has served as a visiting judge and arbitrator.
As KRIS 6 News has previously reported, apetition was filed in district court last month seeking the removal of Gonzalezfrom public office "due to incompetency, official misconduct, and failure to give bond."
"During Defendant's current term of office, he has mishandled and mismanaged murder cases, motions to revoke, criminal dismissal rates, and intentionally nullified duly enacted laws of his oath of office," the petition stated. "Under the Defendant's charge and supervision, the criminal justice system in Nueces County is in crisis with backlogged cases and a shortage of experienced professional prosecutors."
A judge must decide if the case has merit for the case to move forward.
319th District Court Judge David Stith and Fifth Administrative Judge Missy Medary both recused themselves from the case.