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Interested candidates are encouraged to attend the CCPD physical fitness test

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — There are several steps in the hiring process to become a police officer in Corpus CHRISTI. First, applicants must take a civil service test and the physical fitness test.

So far, recruits are moving along in the police academy. As of last week, over 200 applicants have moved forward with taking the physical fitness test. There are three parts of the physical fitness test that you must pass all on the same day to move forward says CCPD recruiter, Imelda Rjasko.

“The bench press, the Illinois agility run which is a short run where you get out from a prone position from the ground and you sprint while changing different directions and then we have the mile and half run,” says Rjasko.

On Sat, May. 8 at 8:30 am the Corpus Christi Police Department will be hosting a physical fitness test.

To learn more about the hiring process visit, careers.ccpolie.comor call 361-826-9278.