ROBSTOWN, Tx — Monday, Nov. 11 is Veterans Day, but many at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds honored veterans a little early. Hundreds of American flags were put up on display to fly as symbols of gratitude for those who defend our freedom.
Dwight Gwynn, one of the many veterans said he was blown away attending the 4th annual Coastal Bend Field of Honor ceremony, because when returned home after serving his county, it was a much different experience.

“I’m really happy, this really touched my heart,” Gwynn said. “I’m just amazed at how many flags they put up for veterans, because when I came home they spit on me. They cursed me."
The event kicked off at 4 p.m., on Nov. 7, with KRIS 6 Sunrise anchor Michelle Hofmann emceeing the event. She, along Nueces County Judge Connie Scott and Corey Brewer from Mike Shaw Toyota, shared a few words for those attending.

"The Field of Honor" serves as a symbol of gratitude, not just for veterans, but also their families.
“The war doesn’t leave them. Some, if not all of them have PTSD," Leticia Rendon, a volunteer for the Veterans Round Table, said. "And not only do they suffer from the memories, so do the spouses, cause we have to see them live through that.”
22 flags lead to the ceremony. According to JJ de la Cerda with the Nueces County Veterans Services, those flags represent a grim statistic - that every day, 22 veterans across the United States lose their lives to suicide.

The flags on display are sponsored by members of the community, or organizations. All the funds collected through those sponsorships will go to local non-profit veteran organizations.
Flour Bluff NJROTC, the Veterans Band of Corpus Christi, and the Nueces County Veterans Services were just some of the groups involved in the 4th annual Coastal Bend Field of Honor.
“It’s so good to see those young kids from girl scouts, cub scouts, and to see them happy when they plant a flag, because they know there is value in this,” Veterans Round Table volunteer Clara Lopez said.
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