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Jim Wells County Sheriff's is using a new tool for citations

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An upgrade to how sheriff's deputies hand out traffic tickets in Jim Wells County has arrived!

JWC Sheriff’s deputies are using a new way to issue traffic tickets.

E-citations are the newest tool on the road for sheriff's deputies to help speed up the process for deputies and drivers.

When we see those red and blue flashing lights and hear that distinctive siren we pull over on the side of the road.

“Being on the side of the road is dangerous,” said Val Garcia, President and CEO of Trusted Driver.

Garcia is a retired law enforcement officer. He and some of his colleagues used their experiences to find ways to improve an officers time and safety when issuing citations especially on the side of the road.

“Whenever an officer pulls somebody over on the side of the road he wants to be able to get off the side of the road as fast as he can. These outdated and antiquated processes that are on paper of machines that are old - take on officers time and a citizen on the side of the road where they’re likely to be hit,” he said.

Garcia’s software - Trusted Driver - is being utilized by the Jim Wells County Sheriff’s deputies. As well as about 20 other law enforcement agencies in the state of Texas.

“It has cut time on our officers coming to the office to fill out paperwork,” said Sheriff Daniel Bueno, Jim Wells County Sheriff.

Sheriff Bueno said that when officers make their traffic stops - the department gets real-time- when officers make their traffic stops - the department gets real-time information. All using a QR code - found on the e-citation card.

No more waiting for the deputy to get back to the office. No longer waiting for the deputy to spend time putting the citation into an old system.

“What normally would take around seven to eight minutes can be mitigated to - as fas as I’ve gone down to - a minute and 50 seconds. And that’s for a full citation,” said Sgt. Pedro Chapa Jr., JWC Patrol Sergeant.

Chapa said not lolng after the citation is in the system - motorist can make a payment or ask for notifications like reminder to go straight to their phone.

Trusted Driver keeps track of all traffic stops, their locations, and other important data.

Sheriff Bueno said the cost of the software runs about $3,000.

This is not a cost to taxpayers. According to the sheriff, the money comes from drug forteiture funds.

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