No more watering your lawn allowed for neighbors in the City of Alice.
“Tell my wife - no more watering. No more green stuff. No more plants,” said Raul Garcia, Alice neighbor.
Water restrictions in Alice started on August 29, 2023, with the implementation of stage 1 restrictions. Stage 2 water restrictions were implemented on Jan. 8, 2024, lifted, and then re-implemented on stage 2 on March 22, 2024.
In December 2024, Alice went into stage 3 water restrictions.
Three months into the new year, the city has changed its Stage 3 water restriction policy.
Garcia takes pride in keeping his lawn clean and green, but with the policy change, so will his lawn.
He knew about the restrictions but not that he couldn’t water his lawn.
“I wasn’t aware. I was still watering on Thursdays and Sundays like I usually would do. Now, I guess I don’t have to,” Garcia said.
He was following the first rules of the stage 3 contingency plan.
“It’s sad. I like to keep my yard - you know - nice and green and fresh looking and stuff like that but we’re going to have to tighten our grip a little bit and see what happens,” Garcia said.
Alice neighbors can still water their gardens or trees that bear any fruit as needed with a hand-held hose, a faucet-filled bucket, or a watering can of five gallons or less.
“As far as grass, unless you’re on a turf grass - you’re on a grain water system or unless you have a well - that’s not allowed anymore,” said Alice City Manager Michael Esparza.
He said code enforcement has been and will continue to look at homes that are not following the restrictions. As of now, no citations have been given.
Esparza said the city is weeks away from getting approval to use the desalination plant.
“We started this project a long time ago, and we’re at the tail end of it. So that also will modify once we get that established,” he said.
Alice’s City Manager said if we don’t conserve water now, we could end up with none.
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