CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A Westside resident said a property with overgrown weeds is not just an eyesore, it's a safety concern.
KRIS 6 Neighborhood News Reporter Naidy Escobar spoke Esmeralda Garza, a neighbor who is concerned about the safety of the children that attend Rose Shaw Elementary School.
Garza picks up her 8-year-old grandson every day but said its a struggle.
“I have to pass through all of this (tall weeds) I have to get on the street just to get over here to the cross guard to get my grandson," Garza said.

She said she has been reaching out to code enforcement since school started and nothing has been done yet.
“We can’t seem to get code enforcement to come and look at it, and take care of it so the kids could safely walk through the sidewalk," she said.
Garza said her son-in- law called them before school even started. She added that kids have to go around the cars in order to get through.
"You can't even see the sidewalks, we don't now if they are cracked or see where we are stepping," Garza adds.
KRIS 6 News reached out to code enforcement regarding the situation and they said that the property had been issued an abatement work order and that it's in queue to get worked on.
Tracey Cantu, the assistant director for development services with the City of Corpus Christi, said they had only received one compliant on Aug.19.
"We have prioritized the abatement due to the close proximity to a school," she said. "We have assigned the work order, and the property will be abated soon."
"I'm hoping they can clear out this mess and be able to see the sidewalks, so the kids can pass through and not have to worry about them having to go around cars," Garza said.
Code enforcement encourages residents to call the 311 number if there are property concerns. A ticket is created and a work order is put into a queue to make sure it gets completed.
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