CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — During Monday night's Corpus Christi Independent School District board meeting, trustees approved placing a $135.4 million bond proposal on the November 5 ballot.
The bond package would include a new Southside elementary campus that would be built next to the current Yeager Elementary on Tripoli Drive near the old Carroll High School. Once that campus is built, the district will consolidate Kostoryz, Sanders, and Yeager Elementary schools. If voters approve the bond, the new school would open in August 2026.

Some parents and guardians like the idea.
“Some of these schools are classics. Some these schools here have great history and great design, but unfortunately like everything the age of the building starts to come up. You get plumbing issues, wiring issues, even when it comes to security issues you have to worry about,” guardian Sean Lynch said.
The bond package also calls for renovations to Houston Elementary School. Once those renovations are complete, the district will consolidate Houston, Fannin, and Travis Elementary schools.
CCISD parent Laura Cable doesn't like the idea of consolidating and creating larger schools. Cable's daughter goes to Fannin Elementary and has down syndrome. Cable said her daughter is better suited for a smaller campus environment, with smaller classes and less noisy lunch rooms.
“That works against us," she said. "There are great things that get accomplished in a smaller school for her, for goals that are more appropriate for her to reach. For instance, just being able to navigate the school independently as she’s gotten older.”
At the high school level, the district will allocate $30 million to renovate King High School. Due to the city's growth on the Southside, the district plans to add eight classrooms at Veterans Memorial High School.
Here's a look at what will also be included in the Bond 2024 package:
- Build a second gym at Haas Middle School
- Renovate restrooms, locker rooms and corridors at Moody High School
- Dedicated weight room at Veterans Memorial High School
- Upgrade fine arts capability, including improved stage lighting, high school projectors, and elective screens
- Replace aging band equipment
- Expand the district's band instrument inventory
Superintendent Dr. Roland Hernandez said this bond package would benefit the most students and staff without increasing the tax rate.
“We thank the school board for agreeing to place this measure before voters,” Hernandez said. “Since 2008, we have replaced nearly a third of our school buildings and renovated many others. We look forward to sharing detailed information about this bond initiative with our community."
Lynch said he sees the need for additions across the district as Corpus Christi continues to grow.
“We’re adding jobs in the surrounding area with, including the Tesla plant and the possible ammonia plant…I mean we’re looking at Corpus Christi becoming a large industrial metroplex of Texas,” he said.
However, Cable said CCISD should leave some of the smaller campus and consider all students with proposals like this, including students like her daughter.
“There’s a lot of good things on there too. And so, that’s tough when you see a bond like that and how do I vote when there’s something on there you’re really against or you’d like to see done differently? It’s hard to really push for that,” Cable said.
The election takes place on Nov. 5.