CORPUS CHRIST, Tx — Corpus Christi Police say a vehicle hit a 17-year-old woman as she was crossing the street on the city's south side.
The vehicle, police say, struck the teenager around 8:00 a.m. as she was crossing near Wooldridge Road and Wind Hollow Drive to get on a school bus.
Police say the student was not in a crosswalk. KRIS 6 News has learned the intersection does not have a crosswalk.
King High School's Principal Prudence Farrell, in a message to the school's families and staff, wrote in part:
“At the time of the incident, the bus was fully stopped with its lights flashing and stop sign extended.”
KRIS 6 News followed up with Corpus Christi Police on Wednesday to ask if a driver would be charged.
A police spokeswoman said, "The student was running to the school bus, but the bus is not involved in the accident and the operator of the vehicle did not pass a school bus. The juvenile female ran into the roadway diagonally, not in a crosswalk, and was struck by the vehicle. Vehicles may approach a school bus, but cannot pass the school bus, which the vehicle did not pass."
Emergency crews took the young woman to a hospital Tuesday. According to the teen's mom, she is expected to recover from her injuries.
Traffic investigators say the vehicle that struck the teen remained on the scene. Police say the driver was not at fault and will not receive a citation.