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City Council approves purchase of new arson vehicle for CCFD

CCFD combat fire with low water pressure

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — At Tuesday's City Council meeting, $92,387 was approved to purchase a replacement vehicle for an Arson K-9 Response Vehicle for the Corpus Christi Fire Department. The grant funding would come from the Office of the Governor of the State of Texas and the Public Safety Office under the Criminal Justice Grant Program.

K-9 equipment and investigation evidence storage would be installed ad the vihicle would transport the crime scene evidence to the lab for analysis. The vehicle tempurature would also be equiped with tempurature monitoring sensors for the K-9 so that it does not overheat.

“The safety of our residents is always our top priority. This new arson investigation vehicle will enhance our Fire Department’s ability to respond quickly, investigate thoroughly, and ultimately help prevent future incidents,” said Mayor Paulette Guajardo. “It’s an important investment in protecting lives and property across Corpus Christi.”

“This replacement vehicle will appropriately outfit our team with a dependable response vehicle to maximize the safety of both the Investigator and the K-9,” Corpus Christi Fire Chief Brandon Wade said. “Having a safe interior environment for the K-9 to ride in, as well as keeping the Investigator’s equipment isolated from the cab, is critical to the well-being of our firefighters.”

Key features of the vehicle include:

  • A kennel compartment in the back seat
  • A temperature monitoring system
  • A remote temperature monitoring pager system
  • Window fans within the kennel
  • A “bailout” remote door-opening system

With an increase in arson cases, rising from an average of 56 annually to 84 over the past decade, there is a greater need for the Arson Investigator and K-9 team. In 2024, the Arson Investigator K-9 team responded to 69 calls, resulting in six arrests.

CCFD is the only department within a 100-mile radius with a certified arson dog handler and has assisted other municipalities, including Alice, Aransas Pass, and Portland.

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