CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — Susie Devereaux was at home like any other day cleaning the house when she suddenly felt pain in her neck.
"I was steam cleaning the floors and the next thing I know, my neck started to get really tight," Devereaux said.

Devereaux's pain progressed to her chest and she started to fear the worst.
"I called out to my husband to come help because I said, “I think I'm having a heart attack," Devereaux said.
And she heard something no one ever wants to hear.
"I laid down for a few minutes we went to the ER, I told the doctor the same story and he said you’re going to have open heart surgery tonight in Houston," said Devereaux.
Devereaux suffered a torn aorta from the root of the heart to her left leg. She had to be airlifted to Houston for emergency surgery. Her husband, Ron said Halo Flight eased his nerves by updating him while in the air.
"What was great about the crew was our nurse, and crystal was our nurse, Susie’s nurse, she called me 3 times, I believe it was 3 times in-flight," Ron said.
A year and half after successful surgery, Devereaux got to meet her hero, Michael Lopez, who was flying the helicopter that day.
"It’s always good to be able to see somebody that is feeling better, and walking and is alive," Lopez said.
Halo Flight is a nonprofit and Lopez said the missions are not possible without donations and community support.
"We couldn’t do what we do without the support of the community and the contributions they make to the company," Lopez said.
The nonprofit has their annual casino night fundraiser coming up and Halo Flight says it is the perfect opportunity to help them continue to save lives like Susie Devereaux.
"We have a lot of events, that we have around the community. Attending those events and that’s really the big thing. Whenever they can donate, those donations are critical," Devereaux said.
For more information on how to sign up for Halo Flight visit their website.
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