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Going back to work has some people feeling intimidated

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — For over a year, the workday for many consists of scheduling zoom calls, sending email after email and setting up a work space at home.

“They were like pack up your computer bring it home with you, we’re not gonna be back for two weeks, says Corpus Christi native, Janelle Sosa. "That was the thing, it was a lot longer than 2 weeks.”

Sosa says she'll be back in the office soon, after working from home since March of 2020.

“Our office opens up June.23 so they notified us a month in advance, but they told us its very flexible its a pilot program," she says.

As more people get vaccinated, the possibility of returning to work can be intimidating and lead to anxiety.

“I love being at home and taking my meetings, having my coffee in the morning, making my breakfast and getting to cook all my meals,” says Sosa.

Reena Vokoun, Founder and CEO of Passion Fit says there are ways to stay healthy and positive during the transition.

“Maybe its going for walk in nature or listening to common music there are a lot of ways to tap into those mindful practices,” says Vokoun.

Passion Fit empowers people to flourish personally and professionally through wellness.

Vokoun offers wellness coaching and consulting on her website,

You can also find her workout training videos on YouTube.

The Cleveland Clinic has also released a list of the ways to make the transition easier, including doing a dry run before your official return to work date and establishing a better sleep schedule.

For more details click here.

To stay healthy and positive, Janelle Sosa has found an escape at Mesquite Street Pizza in downtown Corpus Christi.

“I actually have a friend performing so I came out to see them,” she says.

The old saying goes that laughter is the best medicine and during open mic night, a handful of people get their cure.