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Free waterproof sticker can help identify a lost water vessel

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CORPUS CHISTI, Texas — The Coast Guard auxiliary is making vessel identification stickers available to the public.

"If you get separated from kayak it has the phone number it had the phone number for a contact," says Corpus Christi resident Terry Samuels.

A yellow sticker you can pick up at Flour Bluff Fire Station on Yorktown Blvd, its small, waterproof and it can help keep peoples minds at ease.

"I see probably at least every other month where they have to do a water rescue of a kayaker," says Samuels.

As of June 1st the Flour Bluff Fire Department has responded to 22 water rescue calls in 2021 of those 10 have been rescues.

Fire Chief Dale Scott says he has given out around 20 stickers since they received them on May 21.

"This will help us, help you find your kayak or if we find a kayak at least we can contact the people and make sure that you're not missing," says Chief Scott.

Once the sticker is places on your vessel, its easy to identify, Chief Scott says hopefully this will also help lower the number of kayaks he finds each year.

"Kayaking is becoming such a huge popular sport you want to do everything you can to be safe out on the water," says Chief Scott.

These stickers are free and will be available until they run out. Flour Bluff Department will also be providing a pamphlet with safety tips when kayaking.

"Be safe, have fun kayaking is a pamphlet we're also giving away for free," says Chief Scott.