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City officials look to finalize rezoning for new upgrades for fire station #3

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Corpus Christi’s fire station #3, built in 1954, is finally getting some much needed upgrades.

Corpus Christi Fire Chief Robert Rocha said the planning and the design for fire station #3 is ready and a city council's meeting will look to finalize the proper rezoning of it.

Right next to fire station #3, at 1401 Morgan Avenue, is empty land where the proposed fire station replacement would be built.

According to Chief Rocha the station once served as fire headquarters and over the years has served as a primary rescue engine company, and more.

“And it currently serves as one of the busiest stations in the entire United States," said Rocha.

Rocha said the new fire stations primary focus will be on the safety of the firefighters by separating the fire trucks and the gear from their living area.

“Utilizing a design that keeps the carcinogens away from the living quarters as best as we can, we separate that from a hot, warm and cold zone," said Rocha.

Captain Jeff Durrwatcher said, “It is going to be taller, it is going to be able to accommodate our newer units easier, its actually going to be a pull through station which means we will have garage doors on both sides so we don’t have to reverse in all the time."

Rocha said if the city council approves the zoning change, they can begin construction on the station.

“The desire of the department is to break ground hopefully by the end of the year if not in January of next year," said Rocha.