CORPUS CHRISTI. TEXAS — The City of Corpus Christi will be hosting a hiring event at the American Bank Center Tuesday, April 5.
If you are in search of a job, the event will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is a great opportunity to network and interview on-the-spot.
This is an All-City Departments event, they are looking for candidates with many skill sets and experience.
The departments that will be in attendance include: Public Works, Engineering, Water Utilities, Gas, Solid Waste, Police (civilian and uniformed positions), Parks and Recreation, Neighborhood Services, Libraries, Aviation, Finance, and IT.
Part-time and full-time opportunities are available for those that are interested.
If you plan on attending please note the following:
- Free parking at the American Bank Center will be available to all job seekers
- Computer stations will be provided to complete job applications at the event
- City departments will be holding interviews for on-the-spot hiring
- The Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend Mobile Hiring Unit will be on-site, offering a full range of employment resources and career services to job seekers
Make sure your resume is up-to-date and be prepared to interview.
To view job openings, click here.
If you have any additional questions or inquiries, contact the Human Resources Department at 361-826-3300 or Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend at 361-882-7491.