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Calls for school zone, crosswalks at Haas Middle School

Posted 12:26 AM, Nov 01, 2019
and last updated 3:24 AM, Nov 01, 2019

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A Corpus Christi father is calling for crosswalks, and a school zone, along Suez Drive where it runs along the backside of Haas Middle School. Jim Butcher said he's seen cars almost hit children crossing that street, including his own daughter.

"I get out of my car and I'll stop traffic in both directions so she can cross the street," Butcher said.

When the Corpus Christi Independent School District closed Cullen Middle School and combined it with Haas before the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, it expanded the building towards Suez Drive to make room for the additional students. Butcher said that has more kids crossing Suez, but there are no safety devices.

"It's kind of a no-brainer," Butcher said. "If you've got kids that are going to be exiting the school, you probably would think that there would be a school zone there."

Haas Middle School Principal Anna Fuentes is aware of the situation.

"We definitely need a school zone back there," she said.

Fuentes became the school's principal at the beginning of the school year. She said she'll renew calls to the city to put a school zone and crosswalks on the backside of her school.

"I know we have a new city manager," Fuentes said. "I can do that again, as well as to make sure that it does get addressed this year for the safety of our students."

Corpus Christi Director of Street Operations Albert Quintanilla said there's a procedure for these situations. A principal should take his or her request for a school zone or crosswalks to CCISD. The school district should then work with the city to determine if the request should be granted.

Only principals can request school zones, but all citizens can request other safety devices for their streets, such as speed humps and stop signs. If you'd like to make such a request click here to find out how.