After having to alter plans in 2021 due to COVID-19, the Buc Days NavyArmy Night Parade will return as an outdoor parade route through the city in 2022.
The parade will feature high school marching bands, decorated floats and more of what Coastal Bend residents love to see every year.
President & CEO of the Buc Days Commission Johnny Philipello said this year's parade route is one that will be familiar to those who have attended in the past.
The route is reminiscent of the same one used in 2019.

Staging will begin at the Ortiz Center on North Chaparral Street, the parade will travel south until it hits Lomax Street.
The route will then head west toward and continue through Leopard Street. The parade will then head south down North Staples Street, and end on Buford Street.
Spots will be available for attendees on a first come, first serve basis down the Chaparral portion of the parade route beginning at 8 a.m. on May 7. According to the website, marking spots for this portion of the parade is not allowed.
Those who wish to see the parade from Schatzell Street to Buford Street are only allowed to mark their spots with chalk.
After 5 p.m. on May 6, attendees are allowed to begin setup in their areas.
All trash and markings must be removed following the parade, and spots should not be marked in any way that can cause damage to viewing spots, the website states.
Paint, duct tape or tape of any kind are not allowed. Th parade begins on May 7 and 8 p.m.
As for the annual children's parade, the Buc commission is teaming up with Driscoll Children’s Hospital for the event. It will begin at Water's Edge Park, and end at the American Bank Center.
The children will then enter the arena, where they will participate in an awards ceremony.
Philipello said the Buc commission plans to release a concert list for Buc Days, soon.
You can find more information about the return of the Buc Days parade, here.