CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Buc Days Parade has been a tradition in the Coastal Bend for 85 years. This year, organizers have announced a new name and route for the iconic parade, but the culture and community pride will remain the same.
The Buc Days Parade is now known as the Rally Night Parade. Organizers moved a portion of the route from Chaparral Street to Shoreline Drive, where spectators will have the opportunity to watch the Wings Over South Texas Air Show on the same day.
“This could certainly be the largest single-day event in Corpus Christi history with both the air show and parade on the same day,” said Christy Tupaj, Buccaneer Commission Development and Media Manager.
A custom in the Coastal Bend since 1938, the parade at Buc Days draws in an estimated 120,000 spectators.
The parade is set for Saturday, May 6, beginning at 8 p.m. The Wings Over South Texas Air Show, presented by Reliant, runs from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on May 6.
- Applications for the Rally Night Parade are available on
- Apply online or complete and submit a hard copy to the Buc Days office located at 1823 N. Chaparral.
- All applications and any applicable fees are due Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 5:00 pm; no exceptions or extensions will be granted.
For more information on the Rally Night Parade at Buc Days, visit their website here.