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Annual Trail Ride kicks off Friday morning despite freezing temperatures


The South Texas Trail Riders began making their way to San Antonio on horseback Friday morning.

The trail riders left from the Edcot Gin in Odem at 8 a.m. The plan is to stop for lunch and continue on.

They'll arrive to rest for the night in Tynan and make their way to Beeville on Saturday.

Then, their weeklong journey ends in San Antonio on Feb. 11. Some of the big events along the way include a dance with a live band in Tynan on Friday night.

A game night, raffle and silent auction will await them in Falls City and as they arrive in Bexar county, as the Junior Livestock Showgrounds will welcome the trail riders with BBQ, a dance and an introduction of trail bosses and queens.

For the full schedule for the 63rd annual Trail Ride, click here.