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Local experts provide closer look at vampire facials


Many questions have been raised about vampire facials after two people in New Mexico contracted HIV after receiving the procedure. Local experts who perform the procedure say the facial is safe. However, the outcome depends on where the service is done and who performs it.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that the vampire facial is an actual medical procedure, says Heather Orr, Family Nurse Practitioner, and staff member at Halcyon Med Spa.

“It helps with fine lines and wrinkles. it helps with texture, tone, pore minimization, hyper-pigmentation,” Orr explained about the service.

While she praises the results, she says they’re only possible if safety comes first.

Because of their advanced training, Orr and physician assistant Angelica Jackson are the only ones who do vampire facials at Halcyon.

The procedure starts by drawing blood from the client, then spinning it in a centrifuge to eventually separate the red blood cells and end up with platelet-rich plasma. That’s what is injected back into the patient’s face.

At Halcyon, Orr says the person’s health is taken into account during every step.

“From the centrifuge to the kit, the needles to the vials that we use, everything is FDA-approved for this procedure,” she said. “With all injectables, they’re one-time use. We don’t reuse any equipment. Because of that, there’s just no chance that somebody could contract a blood-borne pathogen.”

To ensure equipment is only used one time, Orr says you should make sure equipment is opened up in front of you for these types of procedures. In addition, verify that the person doing the service has the appropriate credentials.

She says it’s important to make sure you play an active role in any procedure where your health is involved. Orr advises that you don’t let anyone guide the procedure.

“So if somebody says, ‘This what we’re going to do. Take or leave it,’ you say, ‘Well, I’m leaving it,’ because that’s not the way it should be conducted.”

A good first step to ensure your safety is to go in for a free consultation, if you’re considering this type of service. Orr says any legitimate business doing these procedures will offer it with no resistance.

By the way, Angelica Jackson of Halcyon Med Spa trained with California doctor who invented the vampire facial. You can learn my about all services offered at Halcyon Med Spa by visting its website.