Friday is National Vietnam Veteran’s Day and local veterans are gathering to celebrate, honor, and recognize the 46th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.
The gathering, announced in a press release by local veteran Ram Chavez, will be held at the Nueces County Courthouse Memorial at 901 Leopard Street, Friday morning at 9.
You can find theevent page here.
“This year is 46th Anniversary of the End of the Vietnam War (last combat troops withdrew on March 29, 1973) and when the last of the Vietnam War POWs (Prisoners of War) held in North Vietnam arrived home on United States of America soil (on March 29, 1973),” Chavez included in the press release, “and this year is 45th Anniversary of the first Vietnam Veterans Day by Presidential Proclamation (March 29, 1974) and most recent Vietnam Veterans Day observed by Presidential Proclamation and Congress Resolution (March 29, 2012)”
Before the ceremony begins at 9:30 the Fallen Heroes of the Texas Coastal Bend will be displayed at 9. Local Vietnam Era veterans can contact Chavez ramrchavez1945@gmail.comor call 361-728-7052 to sign up for Roll Call.
US Army Vietnam Veteran 1st. Lt. Mike Shaw will be the keynote speaker for the event, and there will be a group photo opportunity towards the end of the ceremony.
For more info send and email to ramrchavez1945@gmail.comor call 361-728-7052