Back in April of 2018, a North Beach Infrastructure Task Force was created to help beautify North Beach. The task force is comprised of County Commissioner of Precinct 1, Carolyn Vaughn, Dallas-developer Jeff Blackard, engineer Jerry Shoemaker, and Council Member Everett Roy. Vaughn was appointed chairman by City Manager last April, and says, “the reason that the task force was formed, was to look at the drainage, the storm water, the flooding over there.”
In the North Beach Community Association meeting, Vaughn says she will explain the role of the Task Force and address issues that the community is hoping to resolve.
“I think that we have the opportunity now to make a difference over there, and the quality of life for those residents. Because it floods all the time, this has been an issue for decades, and it’s never been addressed.”
Vaughn says that about 800,000 people visit the Lexington and Aquarium every year and she wants to help grow the economic development on North Beach.
For many residents that live on North Beach, the creation of the Task Force was a pleasant surprise. “People who live here don’t really know anything about it, we know it was appointed last year but we haven’t heard really any details about what they’ve been up to.” says Carrie Robertson Meyer, who is also on the board for the North Beach Community Association. “What they’re purpose is, so we know that they’re trying to work for improvements here so, pretty excited.”
Meyer believes that with the new Harbor Bridge being built, it should bring a lot of investors in the area to develop, “it’s going to radically effect north beach in so many ways,” she says.
Vaughn did not tell KRIS 6 about other items on the agenda for the NBCA meeting, but hopes people will come out to give any comments and concerns regarding the Task Force’s goals.
The North Beach Community Association’s February Membership Meeting will be held today at The Breakers condos, 4242 Gulfbreeze Blvd on North Beach (enter 20 feet to left of main doors)
- 5:30 pm – Business Meeting
- Spring Break wrap-up
- 6:30 PM – Social Hour
Sami’s Hot Meal ($7)