

Community leaders, elected officials gather to protest proposed TWIA rate hike

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The opposition to TWIA’s proposed rate hike continues.

The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association wants to raise its rates by 10 percent.

Coastal Bend Chambers of Commerce and others who oppose the increase held a rally at the Ortiz Center this morning.

State Representative J.M. Lozano says he’s not against a moderate hike but certainly is against the proposed 10 percent hike.

“We’ll pay increases like 5 percent every year if we have great service, Lozano said. “Were all are still recovering (from Hurricane Harvey) and they’re thinking of putting a 10 percent increase on top of that? That’s kicking someone when they’re down, when they’re hurt. That’s not Texan.”

State Representative Todd Hunter says while the proposed hike is 10 percent, he says it could be as high as 14 percent.

“Think about it, in a two-year process that could be 28 percent. That’s discrimination,” Hunter said. “It’s negative and anti-economic for the whole Coast line.”

Hunter says leaders will not be silent and will submit petitions against the hike.

Mayor Joe McComb saying the insurance commission is kicking the Coastal Bend while it’s still hurting from Hurricane Harvey.

“To come in here on top of that and just arbitrarily throw in a 10 percent rate hike, I don’t know where they got that rate,” McComb said. “I don’t know what it Is based on. It just seems like it’s pretty tone deaf of the agency that wants to impose that rate.”

With one week left to file public protest, Mayor McComb says local residents must continue to respond and let the state insurance commissioner know the hike is unfair and the timing is bad.

A decision on the rate hike request will be made by the Texas  Commissioner of Insurance no later than Oct. 15 15.