CORPUS CHRISTI – The City of Corpus Christi Traffic Engineering office is advising residents that contractors will be working inside manholes throughout the city. During this period, the following traffic control plans will be implemented:
August 2
- Everhart Road: Westbound Everhart Road traffic will be reduced to one lane at the Cain Drive intersection.
- Port Avenue: Eastbound Port Avenue traffic will be reduced to one lane near the Bluntzer Street intersection.
August 3
- McBride Lane: McBride Lane will be reduced to one lane near the Erin Drive intersection.
- Buddy Lawrence: Northbound Buddy Lawrence traffic will be reduced to one lane near the Nueces Bay Boulevard intersection.
August 6
- Wooldridge Road: Eastbound Wooldridge Road traffic will be reduced to one lane near the Fulton Drive intersection.
- Kostoryz Road: Northbound Kostoryz Road traffic will be reduced to one lane north of Gollihar Road.
August 7
- Wooldridge Road: Eastbound Wooldridge Road traffic will be reduced to one lane near the Fleece Drive intersection.
- Gollihar Road: Eastbound Gollihar Road traffic will be reduced to one lane west of the Staples Street intersection.
August 8
- Nile Drive: Nile Drive will be reduced to one lane near the Southhaven Drive intersection.
- Carancahua Street: Carancahua Street will be reduced to one lane near the Coopers Alley intersection.
Flaggers and traffic control devices will guide motorists through the work sites. Drivers should expect delays and if possible seek alternate routes or avoid the area.
For more information, contact Traffic Engineering at (361) 826-3547.