

More than 500 children have been vaccinated by local health district so far

Virus Outbreak Vaccine Rule
Posted 10:02 PM, Nov 08, 2021
and last updated 7:13 PM, Nov 09, 2021

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Nueces County Public Health District says that over 500 children were vaccinated for COVID-19 after vaccines were approved for them last week.

Corpus Christi - Nueces County Public Health District Clinical Director Dr. Kim Onufrak told KRIS 6 News that over 500 vaccinations were given to kids ages 5 to 11 between Nov. 3 and Nov. 7.

The CDC announced last Wednesday that children as young as 5 can now receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine became available to local children that same day.

Corpus Christi - Nueces County Public Health District Director Annette Rodriguez confirmed to KRIS 6 News that Pfizer doses would be available at all health district vaccine distribution locations that currently have the Pfizer vaccine.

The Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation will begin vaccinating children ages 5-11 this week by appointment.

“We are excited that the CDC approved vaccines for children ages 5 to 11," Rodriguez said. "Parental consent is required, so parents should accompany their child to our COVID clinic at La Palmera Mall or any of our Health District clinics where Pfizer pediatric vaccines are available."

The vaccine remains free from the health district.